
My Prayer

by Rev. Sarah Garza on August 11, 2022

I was reminded recently about the power of a Prayer Walk and decided this morning to do one through part of the church.  A prayer walk can take place anywhere - a school, a neighborhood, an office, a church, a park, a mall, a hospital.  As you walk, stop and notice the spaces, people, or things around you and let those guide your prayer.  You may be surprised what draws your attention and the types of things you are led to prayer for or about.  

I hope this practice will help guide you as we journey through our 90 days of prayer together.

(*note: I know there are many spaces in the church I left out and will commit to prayer walk them soon!)

Wesley Classrooms

God of love, I pray for the learning that happens in these spaces.  For the people in these small groups to draw closer to You and closer to one another as they spend time together.  I pray for their courage - that they can be honest with one another with their questions, doubts and struggles.  For grace to be both given and received.  I pray for ears to be open to Your guidance and leading.  For hearts to be stirred, given both comfort and challenge.

I pray that patience and deep listening will take place - especially in tough conversations.  I pray that scripture will be wrestled with and loved.  And I pray for Your word to become an everyday part of the lives of all those who share in reading it together.

Welcome Center & Fellowship Hall

God of grace, I pray for all those who will enter the doors of this space.  May we - May I - be prepared to offer welcome - not just friendliness, but deep and intentional welcome.  Help me to make space for new relationships, for difference, for discomfort and change - because new brings with it new.

Help me to keep my eyes open not just for long time friends, but for the person looking to make a friend.  Give me compassion and gentleness, because I don’t know what baggage someone might be carrying with them when they walk through the door.

Help me to be attentive and present in the moment - not distracted with thoughts of where else I need to be or what else I need to do.  Show me how you can use me, how you can work through me.


Holy God - 

Let me know your love.

Let me listen.

Let me know your presence here - and everywhere!

“Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long.” Psalm 25:4-5


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