Stephen Ministry
Lay persons who are trained in pastoral ministry, a Stephen Minister can help you through a difficult time or crisis in your life. A Stephen Minister promises to be a faithful friend, to refrain from lecturing, preaching or judging, and to maintain strict confidentiality. Click here for more information about Stephen Ministry. If you are in need of a Stephen Minister, contact the church office, or Kitty Hickerson, Stephen Ministry Leader, 972.742.6153 or

Home-centered ministry
We are currently rebuilding our home-centered ministry after the pandemic. To be part of this important ministry, please contact Rev. Sarah Boyette at

Men@Work is a group of men from FUMC Hurst who will come in pairs to your home at your request to help with small jobs around the house. (You pay for supplies and materials.) Guys can change light bulbs, trim shrubs, help with computers, move heavy items, perform minor home repairs and more. If you need help, or if you would like to serve with Men@Work, call the church office, 817.282.7384, x41. 

Prayer Ministry
Prayer is the needful practice of all peoples and the exercise of faith and hope. If you are in need of prayer, CLICK HERE to submit a request online. You may also complete a Prayer Request Card and place it in an offering plate or in the prayer box located in the narthex. If you would like to participate in the Prayer Ministry Team, contact Sarah Garza, 817.282.7384 x44 or

Joyful Creations Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawls are available for those in the midst of a life struggle, such as the loss of a loved one or an illness. If you know someone who is in need of a prayer shawl (they do not have to be a member of FUMC Hurst) or if you would like to participate in this ministry that meets in the Bride’s Room (Wesley 120) between 9:30-11:30 a.m. on Thursdays, contact Judy Nodecker at 512.924.9341 or

Lay Chaplain Ministry
Lay Chaplains are laypersons whose primary task is to make weekly visits to persons in rehabilitation centers. They offer care, support and help persons maintain connections when they are unable to be present at church. Contact Henry Schraub at
for more information.