Church Leadership Teams

This page of the website is here to share information on the lay leadership teams of the church. 

2024 Church Leadership Teams >

If you are trying to reach out to a commitee, contact links are located below with each team's information. If you are unsure of who to contact, CLICK HERE for the general leadership mailbox.

Administrative Board

Contact the Administrative Board Chair >

As the representative body of the local church, the Administrative Board is responsible for partnering with the Lead Pastor in casting a faithful vision for the church, identifying and implementing strategic goals, evaluating progress, and adapting to the changing needs of ministry.

Gifts/Strengths needed: Evidence of active and growing discipleship; administration skills; work collaboratively; leadership skills; a circle of influence within the church; be adaptable and flexible; and a willingness to engage in holy imagining in discerning matters under the purview of the Administrative Board.

Lay Members to Annual Conference

Lay members play a key role in linking the mission and vision of the local congregation with the mission and vision of the annual conference.

Gifts/Strengths Needed: Evidence of active and growing discipleship; interest in the polity and ministry of the UMC as a whole; ability to attend Annual Conference; discernment; must be a member of FUMC Hurst for at least four years.

Staff Parish Relations Committee 

Contact the Staff Parish Relations Committee >

(Technically, we operate as a Pastor Parish Relations team)

The SPR committee works with the Lead Pastor to reflect biblically and theologically on the role and work of the pastor/s and staff as they carry out their leadership responsibilities in alignment with the mission, purpose, and vision of the church.

Gifts/Strengths Needed on Committee as a whole: Evidence of active and growing discipleship; confidentiality; where possible, specialized knowledge related to Human Resources and/or Employment Law; wisdom; discernment; must be a professing member of FUMC Hurst.

Finance Committee

Contact the Finance Committee >

The Finance Committee prioritizes stewardship of financial resources and has responsibility for developing and implementing plans that will raise sufficient income to meet the budget adopted by the Administrative Board.

Gifts/Strengths needed on committee as a whole: Evidence of active and growing discipleship; specialized knowledge related to finance; communication; ability to connect the financial “bottom line” with the mission and ministry of FUMC Hurst.

Trustees Committee

Contact the Trustees Committee >

The Board of Trustees, in accordance with the by-laws of incorporation and the UMC Book of Discipline, is vested with authority in connection to the property, both real and personal. Trustees are responsible for all aspects of the physical property, as well as the furnishings and equipment, to ensure that the facility meets the needs of the mission and ministries of the church.

Gifts/Strengths needed on committee as a whole: Evidence of active and growing discipleship; specialized knowledge related to facilities and resources (i.e. HVAC, landscape, insurance, roofing); long-range planning; communication; critical thinking and strategizing; understanding the connection between discipleship/stewardship and the physical property/equipment.

Lay Leadership Committee

The Lay Leadership Committee identifies and develops lay persons for potential leadership within the church, including making annual recommendations for the elected positions on leadership teams.

Gifts/Strengths needed on committee as a whole: Evidence of active and growing discipleship; representation from a wide variety of areas within the church; ability to identify/encourage gifts and strengths for leadership; broad understanding of the various team functions as they relate to the overall mission, purpose, and vision.

FUMC Foundation Board

The FUMC Foundation Board manages and solicits funds endowed to provide a permanent source of support for the mission and ministry of FUMC Hurst.

Gifts/Strengths needed on committee as a whole: Evidence of active and growing discipleship, administration, development, fundraising, communication and marketing.

Dream Team

The Dream Team is a voluntary (not elected) team focused on identifying potential ministries to support the mission, purpose, and vision of FUMC Hurst. There are currently three (3) subsets of the Dream Team focused on specific areas:

  • Neighboring: Exploring creative ways to develop relationships both within the church and throughout the community.
  • Prayer: Focused on prioritizing prayer in all ministries as well as creating opportunities for persons to grow in their prayer life.
  • Field Trips: Investigate creative ministries offered by churches AND innovative ways to make better use of our facilities.