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At First United Methodist Church of Hurst all are welcome. We are an open community of Christian disciples seeking to live out the unconditional love of God as revealed in Jesus the Christ. Together we explore ways of living out our faith through intentionally deepening our connection with God, people and purpose.
A great place to stop first is our Welcome Center. It is found in the Atrium (best located by entering the door marked N1 on the North end of the building). Here you will find greeters who can answer questions or help you find your way around the building.
Children of all ages are welcome in worship! Worship kits are available that contain worship-related activities for children to do during the service. These kits can be picked up from baskets at the south end of the hallway outside the Sanctuary. Ushers will also have children’s worship bulletins available.
While we believe children learn how to participate in worship by being in worship, we also understand that many parents worry about how their child will be engaged. Please visit the link below to view a list of tips to help involve your child in worship.
Yes! A nursery for children ages 4 and under is located in Wesley 104.
FUMC Hurst also provides "Wiggle Space" in Wesley 103. The room is equipped with a live video broadcast of the worship service; it provides a space for young children to wiggle, squirm, and move around while engaging in livestream worship with their parent(s).
Those with mobility challenges can park in the lot nearest Hurstview Drive. A golf cart will be there to pick you up and drop you off at the Circle Drive which is the closest entrance to the Sanctuary and to the senior adult classroom. The golf cart runs from 8:30 until 11:45 each Sunday morning.
Inside, there are several places in the Sanctuary that can accommodate seating for wheelchairs. Ushers can direct you as needed.
Special hearing devices are available for worship that you can wear that will allow you to control the volume. Translation devices for French and Spanish speakers are also available.
Communion is generally celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. In the United Methodist Church all are welcome to experience the gift of grace offered to us through Christ, as we remember Jesus’ final meal with the disciples and celebrate his resurrection.
Other questions? Please contact us - we would love to hear from you!