Children's Discipleship
About Discipleship with Children and Their Families
With each baptism, we take our promises seriously to teach children the stories of Jesus so that His story may become their story. We are committed to providing an environment that is:
- safe for all children - where all adults have undergone background checks and completed MinistrySafe training.
- sacred and meaningful - where all children are provided with interactive discipleship opportunities allowing them to deepen their discipleship
- supportive and loving - where each child is honored for being just the way God made him/her
If we may ever be of any assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to contact our Children's Director, Jennifer Acker:
I'm New. What do I need to know?
We welcome you and your child in worship. Children learn how to participate in worship by being in worship. However, many parents worry about how their child will behave or how engaged he/she is in worship. Use the link below for some tips to help involve your child in worship is available
First United Methodist Church of Hurst is committed to teaching children the stories of Jesus so that his story may become their story. Sunday group time provides an opportunity for children to experience the stories of our faith in fun and interesting ways, led by volunteers from the congregation who are committed to walking with children on their discipleship journey. Sunday group time meets from 9-10 a.m. Teachers welcome students beginning at 8:55 a.m. Please pick up your child at 10 a.m. (no later than 10:05 a.m.).
Infants through Age Two
Nursery Care is provided during all worship services, including the Sunday School hour.
Ages Two through Four
Age two to four as of September 1 of current school year. These younger children’s classes enjoy the Deep Blue Bible Curriculum, and they experience the stories of our faith through story time, crafts, hands-on activities, and worship, led by Sunday School teachers. A paid childcare worker assists volunteer Sunday School teachers with changing diapers and assisting potty-training children. Please be sure to bring an extra diaper/set of clothes for emergencies.
Grades Kindergarten-Sixth Grade
Testament Travels, our rotational Sunday School model, is a spiritual journey from past to future. Each week the children rotate to a different room where they explore the scriptures in creative ways. Instead of introducing a new scripture each week, children work with the same Bible story for several weeks in a row, allowing the story to be reinforced in their memories. Testament Travels has six stations, each with leaders who have gifts and interests in that particular area. The workshops include Cinema on the Mount, Carpenter’s Workshop for arts and crafts, Covenant Courtyard for cooking and science, Good News Productions for acting out Bible stories, Isham Chapel for music or storytelling, and Circuit Riders with 12 computers each named for the disciples. This rotation model was created on the premise that different people learn in different ways. With Testament Travels, our children will know the stories of Jesus and will experience them in a variety of ways. It is an exciting and meaningful way to learn about Jesus and experience God.
Nursery Safety and Security
- Our church provides a two-part sticker security system so parents will be comfortable leaving their children in the nursery. Please fill out the two stickers with your child's name: one serves as the child's nametag and the other part of the sticker remains with the parent. A parent or guardian must return and show this label in order to pick up the child.
- For maximum security, please do not send friends or relatives (including older siblings) to pick up your child. Additionally, if your child has any allergies, please be sure to include that information on the sticker.
- Each family is asked to take a silent pager for children under two years of age, in case they are needed at any time during their church activity.
- Parents, please do not enter the room when dropping off or picking up your child. This will insure safety of all children —those who crawl and those who need special instructions—and also so children do not become anxious to leave when other adults are in the room.
For questions or concerns, contact Misty Miller, Coordinator of Nursery Ministries,
What to Bring
Please bring diapers, bottles, pacifier, and a change of clothes. Clearly label all your child's belongings: cups, blankets, diaper bags, pacifiers, bottles, change of clothes, etc. Avoid bringing toys from home, as they are easily left behind, along with other items (such as snack food) that you do not want your child to have while in the nursery. Please pack diaper bags carefully, so caregivers can easily find what they need. Our nurseries are peanut and tree nut-free zones. Please do not send any snacks with nuts in them.
Sick Policy
Caregivers are instructed not to admit children who are displaying the following signs of illness to the nursery/child care: vomiting, diarrhea, fever or antibiotics for less than 24 hours, yellow or green mucus production, coughing, eye infections, Chicken Pox. If your child develops these symptoms while in the nursery, you will be asked to take him/her home. These guidelines are provided for the best interest of all our children. Caregivers are not allowed to administer medication.
Separation Anxiety
As children grow, they become more aware of their surroundings, especially the people around them. There are several ways to make the time of adjustment easier for parents and children:
- Be consistent in your attendance. Attending regularly helps your child become familiar with the caregivers and the room.
- Take a pager for children under two; you will be called if needed. Our policy is to call parents if their child has been crying continuously for ten minutes.
- Do not linger. Give your child a kiss and tell them you are going to church and you will be back for them—then leave quickly. The sight of you only makes things harder for both of you. You will be paged if needed.
- If a child is upset week after week, it can be helpful for one parent to stay for the hour. This reassures the child as they become familiar with new surroundings.
- Leave the child and their belongings with the caregiver at the door if you are not planning to stay in the room. This helps reduce confusion and anxiety among all of the children.
- Talk to caregivers—tell of needs, concerns, attitudes, favorite blanket, nap times, etc. Share any information that will be helpful to the child and the caregiver while you are away. Also include this information on your child's security sticker.
Childcare During Special Events/Meetings
Childcare for meetings and special events throughout the week is provided as needed for parents who remain on the church campus. You will register online through your specific event. If you have questions about whether child care is provided for an event, contact the person responsible for your meeting or the church office, 817.282.7384. We must have at least 48 hours notice to schedule workers.
Please let us know if your child would benefit from special accommodations due to the following:
- Food allergies
- Sensory issues
- Differently abled and/or any special needs
- Circumstances at home
Watch the Sunday bulletin, Children’s Facebook page, and email newsletter for more information about the following events.
Children's Events & Opportunities:
Children’s Discipleship Opportunities are offered two Sunday evenings a month during the school year. Please see the Children’s Discipleship Calendar for specific dates.
Music, Movement & Mission
All children K-5th are invited to join us for Music, Movement, and Mission from 5-6:30 p.m. one Sunday each month. The children will have a fun and interactive time connecting with God, people, and purpose through each station. We will meet in Wesley 103 and then break into groups to rotate through the stations. Check the church calendar for upcoming dates or email for more information.
Special events are scheduled throughout the year to help children and their families connect with people, purpose and God. Some of the events require registration or reservations. Watch the Sunday bulletins, Children’s Facebook page, and email newsletter for information on the following, and more!
Community Easter Event
A fun, family event featuring a unique scavenger egg hunt! Children look high and low for different eggs and mark them off on their cards as they find them. Along with games, crafts and prizes, families can hear the Easter story, take pictures at a fun photo spot, and enjoy a hot dog dinner (while supplies last). And of course...there will be lots of Easter eggs and candy!
Vacation Bible School
Each year hundreds of children, youth, and adults join together for an exciting week of learning about Jesus and encountering God. Each year's themes are designed to delight us all as we learn more and more about our faith through music, recreation, arts and crafts, storytelling, and science. Vacation Bible School is free and is open to all children entering K–Grade 6. Classes are available for younger children of adult volunteers who are on-site. VBS utilizes many youth and adult volunteers who are members of the First United Methodist Church congregation and have attended the MinistrySafe Abuse Prevention Training.
This year's VBS will take place in the evening, June 26-29. Check back for more information. Registration will begin in May.
Kindergarten Blessing (August)
We celebrate important milestones in the lives of our children, and starting Kindergarten is an important one. During worship services, usually the Sunday before school starts, children receive a special message and story Bible, along with a blessing for a wonderful school experience.
Third Grade Bible Presentation
In September, third grade children receive the special gift of a Bible from the Church, as they look forward to a year, and a lifetime, of learning to use it as they grow in their relationship with God. Information is mailed to all households with third grade children in August. Children are also invited to participate in the 3rd and 4th grade Bible Camp at Glen Lake Camp & Retreat Center as well as a 3rd Grade Bible Buddies on Sunday evenings during the school year.
Community Halloween Event
Each year, between 5-6:30 p.m. on the Sunday before Halloween, members of the church and community are invited to enjoy a fun evening! A hot dog dinner, carnival games and prizes round out this great fall event. Come trunk-or-treat with us! Costumes for young and old are encouraged but not required.
Wonderfully Made
Sexuality is a difficult thing to talk about. Let your church help. Wonderfully Made is a human sexuality workshop for students in grades 5 and 6. It is offered each school year, usually in January. Information is mailed to all church families with 5th and 6th grade students prior to the workshops. The weekend includes a Thursday evening parent meeting, Friday evening and Saturday sessions with students only, and concludes on Saturday afternoon with a session for students and their parents.
Glen Lake Camp
Many of our children and youth attend summer camp, as well as retreats held throughout the year, at Glen Lake, the United Methodist camp for the Central Texas Conference. Camps are offered for children entering first – twelfth grades and have become an important part of their faith development. Camps can fill up quickly, so early registration is recommended and camperships are available if needed. Watch for announcements or check the camp out at www.glenlake.org.
Acolyte Training
Students in grades K–6 have the opportunity to participate in the worship service by serving as an Acolyte. Acolytes carry the cross and the light into worship and assist in Holy Communion and Baptisms. Training sessions are held annually in the fall.
Children's Events & Opportunities:
Children’s Discipleship Opportunities are offered two Sunday evenings a month during the school year. Please see the Children’s Discipleship Calendar for specific dates.
Music, Movement & Mission
All children K-5th are invited to join us for Music, Movement, and Mission from 5-6:30 p.m. one Sunday each month. The children will have a fun and interactive time connecting with God, people, and purpose through each station. We will meet in Wesley 103 and then break into groups to rotate through the stations. Check the church calendar for upcoming dates or email for more information.
Special events are scheduled throughout the year to help children and their families connect with people, purpose and God. Some of the events require registration or reservations. Watch the Sunday bulletins, Children’s Facebook page, and email newsletter for information on the following, and more!
Community Easter Event
A fun, family event featuring a unique scavenger egg hunt! Children look high and low for different eggs and mark them off on their cards as they find them. Along with games, crafts and prizes, families can hear the Easter story, take pictures at a fun photo spot, and enjoy a hot dog dinner (while supplies last). And of course...there will be lots of Easter eggs and candy!
Vacation Bible School
Each year hundreds of children, youth, and adults join together for an exciting week of learning about Jesus and encountering God. Each year's themes are designed to delight us all as we learn more and more about our faith through music, recreation, arts and crafts, storytelling, and science. Vacation Bible School is free and is open to all children entering K–Grade 6. Classes are available for younger children of adult volunteers who are on-site. VBS utilizes many youth and adult volunteers who are members of the First United Methodist Church congregation and have attended the MinistrySafe Abuse Prevention Training.
This year's VBS will take place in the evening, June 26-29. Check back for more information. Registration will begin in May.
Kindergarten Blessing (August)
We celebrate important milestones in the lives of our children, and starting Kindergarten is an important one. During worship services, usually the Sunday before school starts, children receive a special message and story Bible, along with a blessing for a wonderful school experience.
Third Grade Bible Presentation
In September, third grade children receive the special gift of a Bible from the Church, as they look forward to a year, and a lifetime, of learning to use it as they grow in their relationship with God. Information is mailed to all households with third grade children in August. Children are also invited to participate in the 3rd and 4th grade Bible Camp at Glen Lake Camp & Retreat Center as well as a 3rd Grade Bible Buddies on Sunday evenings during the school year.
Community Halloween Event
Each year, between 5-6:30 p.m. on the Sunday before Halloween, members of the church and community are invited to enjoy a fun evening! A hot dog dinner, carnival games and prizes round out this great fall event. Come trunk-or-treat with us! Costumes for young and old are encouraged but not required.
Wonderfully Made
Sexuality is a difficult thing to talk about. Let your church help. Wonderfully Made is a human sexuality workshop for students in grades 5 and 6. It is offered each school year, usually in January. Information is mailed to all church families with 5th and 6th grade students prior to the workshops. The weekend includes a Thursday evening parent meeting, Friday evening and Saturday sessions with students only, and concludes on Saturday afternoon with a session for students and their parents.
Glen Lake Camp
Many of our children and youth attend summer camp, as well as retreats held throughout the year, at Glen Lake, the United Methodist camp for the Central Texas Conference. Camps are offered for children entering first – twelfth grades and have become an important part of their faith development. Camps can fill up quickly, so early registration is recommended and camperships are available if needed. Watch for announcements or check the camp out at www.glenlake.org.
Acolyte Training
Students in grades K–6 have the opportunity to participate in the worship service by serving as an Acolyte. Acolytes carry the cross and the light into worship and assist in Holy Communion and Baptisms. Training sessions are held annually in the fall.
Knowing that a safe environment is fundamental to all as we grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and others, FUMC Hurst takes our responsibility to care for children, students, and vulnerable adults (“Protected Persons”) very seriously. Following the guidelines of the Central Texas Conference, our policies are intended to create a safe environment for children, students, and vulnerable adults, protecting them, the adults who work with them, and the mission of this church. We look forward to working with you!
For questions contact Roberta Ballester at or 817.282.7384, x1230.
Because FUMC Hurst loves children, students, and vulnerable adults and desires to protect them, our church requires everyone to complete 4 SAFETY STEPS before working or volunteering in ministries with Protected Persons.
For a full copy of the policy, click here.
STEP ONE: Abuse Awareness Training
FUMC Hurst policies and procedures require that:
- Workers/volunteers avoid abusive behavior of any kind.
- Workers/volunteers report any policy violations to a supervisor or a member of our Safety Committee.
- Workers/volunteers should have a basic understanding of the characteristics of sexual abusers and their behaviors in ‘grooming’ a person for sexual abuse. Grooming is the process used by an abuser to select a potential victim, win his/her trust (and the trust of the potential victim’s Parents/Guardians or ‘gatekeepers’), manipulate the potential victim into sexual activity and keep him/her from disclosing the abuse.
To equip all workers and volunteers with information necessary to recognize abuser characteristics and grooming behavior, we require all workers/volunteers to complete Online MinistrySafe Sexual Abuse Awareness Training. This training must be renewed every two years in order to continue working with Protected Persons.
STEP TWO: Policies and Procedures
Workers are required to attend live Policy Training, review the policies contained in this manual, sign the last page indicating that he/she has read and understood the material, agree to comply with policy requirements, and sign a Code of Conduct.
Leaders for outside groups/organizations bringing Protected Persons onto the campus of FUMC Hurst must read and review the policies contained in the MinistrySafe Policies and Procedures Manual for Outside Groups and sign the last page indicating that they have read and understand the material, and agree to comply with policy requirements.
STEP THREE: Screening Process
Workers/Volunteers are required to complete our Screening Process, which requires a Worker/Volunteer to:
- Complete an Employment Application (employees only)
- Complete the Safety Application (employees and volunteers)
- Complete a face-to-face interview (employees and volunteers)
- If Worker/Volunteer prefers, he/she can request this to be done with a staff/clergy person.
- In limited circumstances, and with approval of the Safety Committee, this may be accomplished via Skype, Facetime, or other similar technology.
- Provide references to be checked (employees and volunteers)
- Be an active member of this church for six months before being eligible to serve in positions providing access to Protected Persons. (This does not apply to paid staff.) An exception may be made with the approval of the Safety Committee.
STEP FOUR: Criminal Background Check
Our church requires that all workers and volunteers in ministries that involve protected persons undergo a criminal background check. Depending upon the position, differing levels or intensity of the background check may be required. This will be repeated every four years.