Meet Leticia Rodriguez

    Mar 30, 2023 |

    Leticia Rodriguez was born in Torreon, Mexico. At 15, she received her Secretary and Bookkeeper diploma and worked in that capacity while studying Junior High and High school at night. She then studied Sociology and Nutrition at the Universidad de Nuevo Leon in Monterrey, Mexico.

    Leticia came to this area in 1986 and then found her vocation, her real calling when she became a steno/translator for Bell Helicopter.

    30 years ago, she started a business: Dos Amigas Translations, with Bell as one of the customers. Interpreting for training of helicopter pilots and mechanics became her specialty.

    When God took Leticia on three mission trips to Panama with FUMC Hurst as a volunteer interpretor for the medical team, she had the opportunity to use the gift He gave her. She felt humble and joyful. The relationship with FUMC Hurst brought her more joy by interpreting the services when needed. “I love to do it and I love the people that I have the privilege to know here, through these interpretations.”

    Every Sunday at FUMC Hurst, dedicated people work behind the scenes translating our English worship service into both Spanish
    and French using headsets. Their work makes it possible for more people to participate fully in worshiping God.

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