
New Connections

by Rev. Sarah Garza on February 16, 2023

Several months ago, I listened to a Hidden brain podcast called Relationships 2.0: The Power of Tiny Interactions.  In it they talk about how people benefit not just from interactions with what they call “strong ties” (think: close friends, co-workers and family members) but how an increased number of interactions with “weak ties”, people with whom we may just have mutual familiarity with, also has a direct impact on the level of our happiness and social well-being. “Weak ties” could be the crossing guard at your child’s school you say hello to most mornings, or maybe the regular cashier at the grocery store you see a few times a month. It could be that person who sits in the pew behind you at church that you say good morning to each week, but are not sure you could call them by name… A ‘Hello and good morning!’, or “How is your day?’, or even a simple smile and a nod - each small social interaction we have increases our feelings of social connectedness.

Our connections to one another matter.

As Christians, we know how true this is - we know this is how we are created. God creates us and calls us to be in relationship with God AND with one another. And all of our connectedness makes us more of who we are made to be.

As a church, as a community of Christians seeking to live in connection with one another, we want to be intentional about the times and spaces that are geared toward connection. Our CommUNITY Time on Sunday mornings is just such a time and space. It is a time and space for our community to deepen feelings of connection, both with people we regularly share life and deep conversation with AND to meet and interact with others we may not know as well. All of it matters, all of it strengthens our sense of community.

Over the past several weeks, I have been so excited to hear from people in our community of faith who are making “new connections”! I have loved reading about the exchanges you have had with someone you didn’t know before, or to hear about something new you learned about someone you have known for a while. You have learned about shared similar backgrounds and hopes for our community. You have talked about skills and talents as well as sports team affiliations and favorite books. You have welcomed one another and made possible the beginning of new, deeper relationships.  

All of it matters. All of it helps deepen our sense of connectedness as a community.

So, keep up the good work. Keep having conversations with people you don’t know, or don’t know well. Keep learning and keep connecting. I can’t wait to hear more!

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